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Applicant research carrying out measurements at the R-LRB

First Name / Nombre: (Only letters. Accents, letters ñ and ç are not allowed)
Last Name / 1er Apellido: (Only letters. Accents, letters ñ and ç are not allowed)
2o Apellido: (Only letters. Accents, letters ñ and ç are not allowed)
E-mail address:
Phone number:
Choose the node where you want to measure your NMR experiments *
 LRB: Laboratorio de RMN de la Universidad de Barcelona, CCiTUB, Barcelona 
 LMR: Laboratorio de RMN Manuel Rico, CSIC, Madrid 
 LRE: Laboratorio de RMN de Euskadi, CICbioGUNE, Bilbao 


R-LRB Application Guide

In this application guide you will find the information requested to fill the application form.

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